Автор: Andrey Ivashov. Создано в рамках проекта SMath. Опубликовано пользователем smath.
Это проект с открытыми исходными кодами. Исходные коды опубликованы под лицензией MIT и доступны в публичном хранилище SVN.

Скачать μMath Files Plugin 0.5.6585.40415

Версия 0.5.6585.40415
Бета (опубликовано 12.01.2018)
Автор: Andrey Ivashov


File icon zip mMathFileType.zip Размер: 557.79 КБ
6 из 66 загрузок



  • Added support for the following functions: ceil(1) as Ceil(1), floor(1) as Floor(1), max(1) as Max(1), min(1) as Min(1), conjugate_layout(1) as Conjugate(1) and log(1) as ln(1);
  • Added support for imaginary unit written next to the number;
  • Dependency to the Custom Functions plug-in added. So the program will automatically request plug-in installation if usage of any appropriate function is detected;
  • Added support for "subsubsection" text style;
  • Fixed issue with too small vertical space reserved for the regions in case of multiple regions shown in one line.

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