Версия 0.99.7610
Стабильная (опубликовано 31.10.2020)
Автор: Андрей Ивашов
- Program start up speed significantly improved;
- The following units added: klx, μT, mT, klm, μWb, mWb;
- Toolbox icons vectorized;
- Cloud: SVG icons for toolboxes in supported now;
- Better support implemented for OS dark mode.
- Support for high dpi systems restored;
- importData() function improved to support special chars in path;
- Ohm unit representation fixed for Russian localization;
- Android: Scaled images supported now;
- Android: Filling in a text is fixed for some onscreen keyboards;
- Working with images on Linux fixed (save/open, copy/paste);
- Color of the underlined text corrected;
- Text which contains link shown underlined again;
- Toolbox icons made visible on Mono;
- Export to PDF fixed on Linux;
- Cloud: All units/function selection fixed into insert dialog;
- Splash screen layout fixed on Linux.
- Worksheets rendering quality normalized between Mono and .Net frameworks;
- Refactoring.
История изменений