Автор: Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com). Создано в рамках проекта SMath. Опубликовано пользователем w3b5urf3r.
Это проект с открытыми исходными кодами. Исходные коды опубликованы под лицензией MIT и доступны в публичном хранилище SVN.

Writer Region

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Extends SMath Studio with a Writer Region. Provides the ability to work with formatted text inside the Worksheet.

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You can arrange the whole region respect to the printing bounds and other math regions.

The region supports spell checking (dictionaries not included).

The plugin allows to mix in the same region text with different font-family, size, color, vertical and horizontal alignments.

Moreover it is possible to insert hyperlinks, math objects and dynamic fields.