Version 0.98.6083
Beta (released at 8/27/2016)
Author: Andrey Ivashov
- Every first worksheet now always added maximized within SMath Studio window;
- Logic to detect math equations from Clipboard improved;
- Search for errors in plug-ins on application start improved;
- Preloading assemblies to reduce first calculation time required on application start implemented;
- Displaying of current plug-in loading operation implemented on Splash Screen.
- Cursor position change on selected Regions move fixed;
- Required parenthesis automatically added in several cases;
- Fixed issue when Area did collapse/expand on SMath Studio window maximize;
- Plug-ins which references standard regions (TextRegion, PictureRegion and PlotRegion) fixed for newer SMath Studio builds;
- Main window activation after Splash Screen hiding fixed;
- Splash Screen displaying logic improved.
Changes history