Created by SMath LLC in the scope of SMath project. Published by Andrey Ivashov.

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User Reviews of SMath Studio

(5*) I have used MathCAD since 1997. Loved it. I used to work for the Nuclear Industry in Canada, and we had these long calculation sheets fully written in MathCAD. As an independent researcher, I also had a student version which I could simply purchase from a campus bookstore as a CD. A few years later, disaster struck! A greedy corporate entity purchased MathCAD and destroyed it. A tool created for engineers by engineers with engineering in mind was destroyed by MBAs with only money in their minds. I was helpless until I discovered SMath. I was amazed at how SMath could do so many things with the installation file being just a few MB! And Andrey simply gave it away to us for free!! SMath has truly filled the void left by the now-extinct "old MathCAD". The fact that SMath is not bloatware and gives us researchers exactly what we need are reasons enough to call Andrey a genius. My dear Andrey, many of us are out there in various parts of the world quietly blessing you for helping us do our research calculations. You are a noble soul with a spirit that cares for a better world. Trust me, you have in your own way made our world a better place to live through SMath. God bless you. I shall surely donate an amount as a symbolic gesture for your great work. Please continue to serve the world and may God bless you with good health, a long life, peace, prosperity, and a sound mind that scientifically contributes for as long as you live and pave the way for your glorious legacy long after we are all gone.

by Dr. M Sathya Prasad

(5*) Excelente alternativa para reemplazar a Mathcad, me ha ayudado mucho en mi carrera de Ingeniaría Civil, me suscribí al plan anual, gracias.

by Cristian Yamid Pérez Peña

(5*) Excelente alternativa para reemplazar a Mathcad, me ha ayudado mucho en mi carrera de Ingeniaría Civil, me suscribí al plan anual, gracias.

by Cristian Yamid Pérez Peña

(5*) Tenho usado Mathcad por muitos anos, como estudante, como pesquisador e como engenheiro químico. Mas Mathcad se tornou inviável há alguns anos. É formidável ter uma ferramenta tão boa quanto ele de forma gratuita ou a curtos muito baixos como o SMath! Obrigado LLC SMath e Andrey Ivashov!

by Alexandre Umpierre

(0*) Il s'agit d'un logiciel indispensable presque dans tous les demaines d ingénierie.

by Didier

(5*) Es ist die einzige Alternative zum mittlerweile desaströsen MathCAD. Mit dem ich Jahrzehnte -seit der Version 3.0- sehr gut und gern arbeitete. MathCAD war exzellent, um komplizierte Mathematik im Ingenieurwesen anzuwenden. MathCAD ist heute viel unübersichtlicher und alles dauert viel länger, bei drastisch reduzierter Funktionalität. Das MathCAD-Team empfiehlt "Profis" Shortcuts, wie in Zeiten, als die Bildschirme noch grün waren. Ich wünsche mir, dass Ihr, Andrey und Dein Team, auch die Apple-Version bald offerieren könnt und Euch vor allem auf mathematische Features für Ingenieure fokussiert. Dass man auch bald mit wieder mit Operatoren, wie dem NABLA-Operator symbolisch rechnen kann. Viel Erfolg auf Eurem Weg. Mit SMath Mathematik in mathematischer Notation anwenden, ist wie Muttersprache sprechen. Die geniale Idee, Funktionen und Operationen auf einen virtuellen Taschenrechner zu packen, ist extrem intuitiv und erleichtert die Bedienung. Weiter so.

by Michael Stanimirov

(5*) Es ist die einzige Alternative zum mittlerweile desaströsen MathCAD. Mit dem ich Jahrzehnte -seit der Version 3.0- sehr gut und gern arbeitete. MathCAD war exzellent, um komplizierte Mathematik im Ingenieurwesen anzuwenden. MathCAD ist heute viel unübersichtlicher und alles dauert viel länger, bei drastisch reduzierter Funktionalität. Das MathCAD-Team empfiehlt "Profis" Shortcuts, wie in Zeiten, als die Bildschirme noch grün waren. Ich wünsche mir, dass Ihr, Andrey und Dein Team, auch die Apple-Version bald offerieren könnt und Euch vor allem auf mathematische Features für Ingenieure fokussiert. Dass man auch bald mit wieder mit Operatoren, wie dem NABLA-Operator symbolisch rechnen kann. Viel Erfolg auf Eurem Weg. Mit SMath Mathematik in mathematischer Notation anwenden, ist wie Muttersprache sprechen. Die geniale Idee, Funktionen und Operationen auf einen virtuellen Taschenrechner zu packen, ist extrem intuitiv und erleichtert die Bedienung. Weiter so.

by Michael Stanimirov

(5*) May God reward the developers, for filling the vacuum left after MathCad. Thank you very very much.

by Zsolt Roman

(5*) Powerful tools to support dynamic calculation. Excellent!

by Omar Panta Carranza

(5*) Herramienta poderosa y versatil tanto en el ambito profesional, como academico. Un trabajo muy brillante.

by Sergio OLarte

An amazing math tool, great job

by Amado Aguinaga

(5*) Dentro del ámbito de la investigación y desarrollo electrónico es una herramienta completa para realizar los análisis preliminares y más. / Within the field of electronic research and development, it is a complete tool for preliminary analysis and more.

by Cristian Matorra

(5*) Thank you so much for this amazing tool great job!

by Sanan Toplic

(5*) I needed the simplest functions, which I did in Mathcad. Now this software does everything I need. Keep up the good work. Brilliant. Thank you.

by Kunt Celebi

(5*) Grazie per l'ottimo lavoro che svolgete da anni. Sono un ingegnere ed anche insegnante e consiglio di utilizzare il vostro programma anche ai miei studenti

by Aldo Pepi

(5*) Extremely powerful small app. You get the most of the MathCAD functionality for free. As an engineer I use this app on a regular base.

by Stoyan

(5*) Fantastic free software. Have used it for several structural calculation reports

by Martin Kynde

(5*) SMath Studio is an excellent free tool that can be used by anyone ranging from students to professionals. I have used it since back in college, and it has been an invaluable tool for speeding up my productivity and design quality both in my work and hobby life. Thank you Andrey!

by William

Great little tool, happy that someone made this - best alternative for prime. I still hate the breakdown of the Mathcad legacy - you are a proud successor....

by Robbert

(5*) Thanks Andrey Ivashov for this wonderful tool that you provided. It is designed very well and the best opensource alternative to MathCAD available.

by Walter

(5*) luce muy bueno el programa, demasiado útil, una potente herramienta de calculo de uso libre


Smath-Studio is a compelling mathematical application. It allows for quick and efficient symbolic and numerical calculations, making it a better alternative to MathCad, and Mathematica. The developers continue to add new features and functionality to this program regularly. I have been using this application for six months and love it. I tip my hat to the developers, well-done guys!

by Jorge M. Gonzalez PE

(5*) I'm a student of civil engineering and SMath has become an invaluable tool for "by hand" calculations of my assignments. I can't believe other students are still using MS Word and a regular calculator.

by Filda

(5*) La aparición del proyecto Smath, cubre un vacío que existía en el ámbito del software gratuito para Ingeniería. Es un proyecto que llegó para quedarse, ya que permite logros muy buenos a quienes utilizan esta herramienta. felicitaciones a Andrey y el gran equipo de colaboradores que cada uno con su aporte desinteresado hacen crecer esta aplicación que ya podemos caratular como de uso profesional

by Ing Parcelo Ortiz Plá

(5*) Great program for conducting engineering calculations. The ability to insert text blocks and pictures makes it perfect for both computation and communication of the results to colleagues.

by Filip Finodeyev

(5*) Great software. Easy to use. Looks nice.

by Jon Brabbs

(5*) Alternativa gratuita fantastica a MathCAD ! This is a fantastic free alternative to Mathcad, strongly recommended to anyone dealing with engineering and calculus.

by Marco

(5*) Found out that this software is as powerful as commercial softwares. Many thanks Andrey.

by Harold Lopez

(5*) Thank you Andrey Ivashov for developing this wonderful software, as well as all the people who contribute with solutions day after day. As a university professor, I must say that the use of SMath Studio has contributed greatly to improve the way of transmitting and sharing knowledge.

by Eduardo Palma Zambrano

(5*) Excellent software, a great job, we must support with financial contributions. Good job Andrey and the sponsors and creators.

by Miguel Aguilar Suárez

(5*) Brilliant program. I have MathCAD but as they have gone for subscription based I am discontinuing that. Until now I have not found any design calculation that I cannot make using SMath Studio. I recommend to all of my customers to forget all spread sheet based calculations and go for SMath Studio. I have developed my own specialty engineering software and know how much work that is. Thank You Andrey.

by Jouko Tolonen

(5*) The code cures people by keeping them in good mental health, deliver freedom from corporate slavery, prevents from education degradation, provides equal access to math self-education, raises the humans education regardless race, age, and their valet.

by Alexei Smirnov

(5*) Es excelente, me resulta más eficiente si la comparamos con las herramientas que se le parecen

by Carlos Daniel Encarnación Zúñiga

(5*) This tool is amazing. It helped me on my university more times than i can imagine.

by Radek

(5*) It's perfect alternative to Mathcad. The solution to make another namespace for measure units - is genious!

by Sergey Grunenko

(5*) I'm absolutely love this app. It's a great tool for usual engineering calculations, and way more easier to use for me than matlab and others.

by Zoltán Balázs

Сделать ставку онлайн. Ставки на спортивные события: - футбол; - хоккей; - баскетбол; - волейбол; - теннис; - единоборства; - авто и мото гонки; - кибер-спорт и мн.др. Выбирай и Побеждай! Всегда онлайн!

by LeonBKGamer

(5*) Excellent tool for electric engineering. Must have portable software on your USB key. Symbolic calculations is a great value for electronics.

by Igor Skarine

(5*) As experienced mechanical guy, this powerful tool is extremely useful for calculation for my work activities, and amazing it is free please keep working for software crown and kick expensive mathcad away!

by Kelvin Liu

(5*) Great tool for all engineers. It's very user-friendly and has lots of functionalities that can be further extended by installing plug-ins (it takes just a few clicks, no need for tedious file manipulations). SMath can operate on units, perform symbolic calculations and many more. Also, it has very clear interface and all formulas can be entered just like you would do on a piece of paper. What's more, the software has great community of people willing to help with various issues.

by Jacob M.

(5*) Es un programa excelente y muy útil para la enseñanza y aprendizaje en ing. Civil. Muy recomendable!!!

by Wilson Rodríguez Calderón

(5*) Great work of A. Ivashov. SMath Studio is a powerfull and extremely intuitive software. Suitable for daily engineering practice.

by Eng. Carli (Italy)

(5*) The most important daily-use software for engineers. Far more powerful than actual Mathcad Prime. I actually use more SMath Studio than MS Excel at work. Thank you, Andrey, for this GEM.

by Alvaro Gavilán Rojas

(5*) Grazie tanto per lo splendido lavoro. Io lo uso per i miei calcoli di elettronica. Большое спасибо за замечательную работу. Я использую его для моих вычислений электроники. Thank you so much for the wonderful job. I use it for my electronics calculations.

by Vito BLASI

(5*) I have been wishing for a sensible alternative to the free version of MathCAD for a long time. I find such software a crucial tool for writing technical-paper-style documents with live formulas and units carried throughout. I am so happy to have found SMath Studio as it is not just a completely free, fully featured alternative, but I find it to be much better in that it is tiny, is easier to use, has nice community support and has nice expandability by others (through plugins). It has features I've always wanted like setting of number of significant digits (not just number of decimal places), easier typing of subscripts, better plotting (via the X-Y Plot plugin), ability to include other SMath files (like my own units definitions), the very innovative and helpful "dynamic assistant", the ability to assign values to variables *after* the writing of a formula, no watermark across each page, and many other improvements that I have yet to discover. Since I am so pleased, I just donated $100 which I feel is a more reasonable amount for software like this. Thank you, Andrey!

by John David Heinzmann

(5*) excelente programita lo recomiendo

by malandro

Without a doubt it is one of the best tools for engineering, a good substitute for Mathcad

by Marcel F. Chevalier S.

(5*) Znakomite narzędzie, nie tylko dla studentów. Oby SMath rozwijał się nadal.

by Witold P.

(5*) Es un imprescindible para el día a día. Muchísimas gracias Mr Andrey Ivashov.

by Ángel Álvarez

(5*) Congratulations!! This software is amazing!! An almost complete substitution for Mathcad!!

by Hervandil Sant'Anna

(5*) This is an amazing mathematical tool which is at the same level as some of the most sophisticated and expensive math software. I use it in all my classes and promote its use with all my engineering students.

by Antonio Medrano

(5*) Excellent program. Thanks to his author for freely sharing such an amazing piece of software. Thumbs up.

by A Chang

(5*) Mi programa favorito para calculos matematicos en general

by Joan Enric Coca

(5*) Absolutely Gorgeous software, which can be a level riser for spreadsheet calculation, seamlessly extended for any kind of mathematical application.

by Shiju VT

(5*) ein absolutes Muß für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler und die, die es noch werden wollen. Ein perfektes Tool für Hochschulen aller Art. an absolute must for engineers and natural scientists and those who want to become one. A perfect tool for universities of all kinds.

by Stephan Gottlieb

(5*) Smath is a very simple program to use. It´s similar to Mathcad and it´s free. I use it for my spreedsheets at work. I recommend it, without a doubt.

by Joaquín Guraiib

(4*) Amazing very useful app!! Highly recommended!! Two thumbs up! :)

by Maxx

(5*) This is an excellent software for methodically solving/performing strenous formulas/calculations. It is an incredible inspiration that it is free !

by Prasanna W

(5*) Probably the best free math program out there. As an electrical engineer, you can do so many calculations, e.g for designig drive systems and calculate protection settings, can be almost entirely automated using SMath Studio. With the huge amount of plugins you can push SMath in an high level. Thanks a lot!

by Karsten

(5*) Andrey has given us back the joy of Math that we experimented with Mathcad some thirty years ago, until PTC messed it all up. A fantastic achievement! And free! I am beginning to use it intensively to help my engineering students.

by Manuel Vargas

(5*) Imagine combining Microsoft Word with the ability to compute every time you press equals. Best application for your engineering documentation needs!

by Michael James Quidilla

(5*) trop bien ce programme....pour faire de fiches de calcul. en plus on peut ouvrir des fiches Mathcad sans souci aucun.

by aedes

(5*) Succeeds where MathCad falls short. Used daily as an electrical engineer. Highly recommend.

by Andy Burke

(5*) Probably the best free math program out there. As a mechanical engineering student, so many calculations can be almost entirely automated using SMath Studio.

by Bellus

(5*) I use this program on my everyday civil engineering calculations, and I highly recommend it!

by GiE

(5*) Спасибо вам за вашу работу, это приложение просто прекрасно!

by Илья

(5*) Great free software. I use it for calculations of civil structures. Thanks a lot.

by Antonio Fazzutti

(5*) Excelente software para los cálculos de ingeniería, muy livano, pero bastante robusto a la hora de realizar cálculos; y su plataforma en la nube es buena.

by fredynils

This fantastic free alternative to Mathcad is going from strength to strength and I am really enjoying watching its progress. Andrey has produced something that is genuinely useful, multiplatform, fun to use and, most importantly of all, he listens to his users. Well worth a download.

by Beerus

(5*) SMath Studio is a great alternative to MathCAD. It is small and portable. I use it primarily for structural engineering calculations and for documenting my work. Many thanks to Andrey and the other developers for this great tool.

by Eric Durham

(5*) Niezwykle przejrzyste narzędzie. Świetne do sprawdzenia czegoś na szybko, naturalne jak pisanie w zeszycie. Silna alternatywa dla MathCADa, zdecydowanie godny polecenia!

by mati

(5*) I am using it everyday for my professional work. Thank you so much!

by Tien Nguyen

(5*) The best software for Engineers. Easy, lightweight and comprehensive. Kudos to its Developer.

by Shafiq

(5*) As a Civil Engineering professor, I've realized to be hard to find a software suitable for both introductory and advanced subjects. SMath is the only free software I know to get the job done. Try it out.

by João Felipe Melo

(5*) SMath makes my job as a mechanical engineer easier. It creates much more presentable calculations which are easier to follow (compared to a Matlab script or Excel spreadsheet).

by Albert

(5*) Świetny soft, prawdziwy life saver, rewelacja.

by AA

(5*) This is a great tool. Just like Mathcad. I'd encourage science/engineering students to use it. And you get a copy of your work.

by RJ

(5*) Superlative !!! good job !!! Congratulation

by Max

(5*) This program helped me in solving a lot of my mechanical problems related to gears, design standards & structural problems. Now we can run it on our mobiles also. Thanks for this useful program.

by Sudhir Gill

(5*) Buenísima aplicación.

by Nicolás Troncoso

Very good app! Thanks a lot for it!

by Dane

(5*) Although it lacks some of mathcad's possibilities, it is undoubtedly an excellent spreadsheet for engineering.

by Jose Costa

(4*) Smath is easy to use tool and its is freeware.I used for engineering calculations instead of easing excel. Its a time saver.

by Naresh varikuntla

(5*) The secret power of the original MathCad was its self-documenting feature. SMath brings this back and it is free. Amazing. Write your math essentially the same way you would write it by hand, but it is live. The math is calculated left-to-right then top-to-bottom. Self-documenting and live. Wonderful.

by John Cantlin

(5*) A great and essential application for scientists and engineers. The updates are regular and it has plugins that make it complete and as powerful as the paid applications.

by Yibbou

(5*) I really like it. It's one of the most usable free software applications I deal with.

by Juanma Belda

(4*) Excelente programa, es como tener el clásico papel y lápiz pero ahora con un potente calculador y con muchas funciones, me gustaría que tenga opciones de base de datos para poder usarlo en la ciencia Estadística.

by Christian Minaya

(5*) Great instrument. Thanks

by Antonio Fazzutti

(5*) beautiful strument

by michele

(5*) Simplemente la mejor y libre alternativa a Mathcad. Gracias

by Jorge Rodríguez

(4*) Muy buena la aplicación. Ligera, potente y eficaz para lo que está diseñada. Es mi herramienta diaria para cálculos de Ingeniería Civil en Venezuela.

by Kenny Silva

(5*) Très bon logiciel de calcul, avec de nombreux plugin pour tous les usages. Une fois qu'on s'habitue, on ne peut plus s'en passer. Je le recommande vivement. Outre les fonction mathématiques, Il est possible d'utiliser de nombreuses bibliothèques, comme par exemple la bibliothèque Coolprop pour les données thermodynamiques, ce qui permet d'avoir un outil très évolué pour faire et expliquer des calculs très rapidement.

by Vidal Silva

(5*) Thank you very much for your work and for you programm. I have just started to use it, but already see that it's a wonderful tool for engineers.

by Ilya Shulika

(5*) Best WYSYWIG math software, with outstanding cost/effect factor! In some areas even better thought than it's commercial oponent (auto complete, very big plugin database, small program size etc). Highly reccomended.

by Bartłomiej Minor

(4*) Simple and Elegant

by Egbert Sales

(5*) A very useful tool for engineers. Thanks a lot. Keep up the great work.

by Bhargav

(5*) excellent

by Mohan

(5*) Excellent tool...

by Munawar Jakhro

(5*) An invaluable tool for high schoolers and engineering students! A big thank you from India.

by Anirban

(5*) This mathematical tool is very useful. I was a Mathcad user, now I use SMath in all courses I teach and ask my students to use it.

by Waluyo Adi Siswanto

(5*) Amazing, well-done, useful tool. A small donation was sent your way. This small comment of praise is a follow-up.

by Jason H

Thank you for SMath. It's been a life saver.

by Bob Johansson P.Eng.

(5*) Excelente software para cálculo. La interface tipo papel la hace muy versátil y amigable. La recomiendo ampliamente.

by Tomás Soto

(5*) As a student engineer, this is an amazing program to use for future engineers.

by Erich Vajda

(5*) This is a great piece of software! I use it on my Linux machine. With best regards from Munich, Germany.

by Stefan Schmidhuber

(5*) Must have for every engineer.

by Florian

(5*) Great software. Excellent tool for engineering students to make study of complicated problems a breeze. Time need to familiarize is very less as there are good guides prepared for easy use.

by Razook

(5*) Excellent alternative to MathCad and it's free!

by Marco Finlay

(5*) This has been a great step up from Excel. Extensive (and extensible) support for engineering units opens a new world for well documented everyday analysis. Thank you!

by Mike Graham

(5*) Great free software! I am enjoying watching its progress and use every day for reinforced concrete calculations and client presentations! Hope it gorows well"

by Thomas Carmona

(5*) As a civil engineer, over the years I have frequently used MathCAD for not only performing but also documenting calculations. With PTC dropping perpetual licensing, my recommendation to all the junior engineers I train is to give SMath Studio a serious look. While not a turnkey replacement for MathCAD, it provides most of the functionality and power at an incredible price. Already a wonderful program filling a key niche spot between a numerical calculator like Octave, and a CAS like Maxima, the expanding plugin and 3rd party development is on the rise and this project's future keeps getting even brighter. Much consideration must be given by any engineer or business before they settle on a software for adopting into the workflow. Although not open-source in the strictest sense, the development community is similar to what you would find in any first class OSS software project. The current owner of the SMath Project has also agreed to release the source code under open source license should he not be able to continue the project. So do not let the cost (your time) of learning SMath Studio and migrating your MathCAD computation sheets scare you. This project is here to stay.

by Michael Fuller, P.E., PMP

Pozdrawiam wszystkich użytkowników i zachęcam do wspierania produktu.

by LeszekP

(5*) This is a must have software for engineering student.

by Rabbi

(5*) smath studio. It´s a good tool.

by jose luis rebollo

(5*) SMath Studio in the Cloud is ideal to show calculations to my students. They only have to click at the internet hyperlink. Teacher at school of mechanical engineering, bachelor level.

by Hein van de Vrande

(5*) Amazing math tool. I use it almost daily. I'm a civil engineer and Smath Studio quickly became one of my favorite tools to "hand check" a lot of my calculations.

by Fernando Siedschlag

(5*) I strongly encourage professionals who use the software for commercial purpose to donate. SMath Studio, in my opinion, is better suited for documenting engineering calculations than MathCAD Prime 3, which is commercially developed, and is considered to be the software of choice by many. As engineering professionals, we all pay yearly professional license fee; if we donate a fraction of that fee to Andrey it will let him to continue working on this extremely useful and functional tool. Thank you, Andrey! Long Live SMath

by Alex M.

(5*) I've used this software for several years and can not use anything else for work. I'm a mechanical Engineer and use this for any calculations I do. 1) To show and check my work 2) to set values and write descriptions so I can reuse my formulas for other projects. This is better than any calculator. Thank you Smath for such a great software.

by Shawn Paul

(5*) Wonderful software, the cloud option is unbeatable for mac users and for using public/shared computers.

by Karl

(5*) I just discovered this project and WOW!: What a great alternative to MathCAD. I encourage engineers and scientists to try this app, you will be amazed by its power and versatility. Thanks to developers!

by Diego Nacif

(5*) I hope you keep on developing this great software! Thank you very much, it is easy and very efficient. If someone could help you to bring it closer to a nice text editor, it would probably replace Word for many engineers and other scientists.

by Dimitris

(5*) You should definitely try and use SMath Studio. This “one-man” project is really awesome. I can state, with no doubt, that every Mathcad user will be rather surprised.

by Radovan Omorjan

(5*) An amazing math tool, a must-have for engineers and scientists everywhere. (And it's not bad as a quick expression evaluator, either.)

by Mike Williams

(5*) If you are thinking about getting MathCAD for your business or personal use you may want to try SMath Studio first. SMath Studio is a free math program with easy to use intuitive "paper-like" interface. If SMath Studio meets your needs then look no further and consider donating to promote further development of this great program. On the SMath Studio forum, the developer and forum community are very receptive to help questions, bug reports, and feature requests.

by j_kris

(5*) This fantastic free alternative to Mathcad is going from strength to strength and I am really enjoying watching its progress. Andrey has produced something that is genuinely useful, multiplatform, fun to use and, most importantly of all, he listens to his users. Well worth a download.

by Mike Croucher

(5*) Taking everything into consideration, we can state that SMath Studio is a powerful application that lets you create and calculate even complex expressions, with options to plot graphs and solve matrices. The workspace lets anyone quickly accommodate regardless of experience, while the auto-complete feature and rich library of content make sure you learn to love math.

by Mircea Dragomir

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