View Issues:
 IdTitleVotesCategoryCreatorOwnerAssignedTypeMilestoneAffected MilestoneStatusPriorityResolutionDue DateEstimation (hrs)ProgressTime Logged (hrs)CreatedLast UpdateLast Update User
SSC-3528toolbox matrix dialog doesn't returns data 1 User Interface Davide Davide smath Bug General General In progress High Unassigned none 0.00
0 3/30/2018 4/8/2018 Davide
SSC-3481Plot toolbox inputs 1 User Interface Davide Davide smath Bug Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Low Unassigned none 0.00
0 11/20/2017 11/20/2017 Davide
SSC-3480loss of changes 2 User Interface Davide Davide smath Bug General General In progress Normal Unassigned none 0.00
0 10/24/2017 12/30/2017 Martin Kraska
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