Additional components that add new mathematical functions to the SMath Studio program, necessary for solving problems from various fields.
GPC.AddContour("1:matrix", "2:matrix")
Add a two-column polygon "2:matrix" of vertices x and y as a contour to GPC polygon "1:matrix"; first vertex may be repeated. -
GPC.AddHole("1:matrix", "2:matrix")
Add a two-column polygon "2:matrix" of vertices x and y as a hole contour to GPC polygon "1:matrix"; first vertex may be repeated. -
Returns the number of contours of the GPC polygon "1:matrix". -
Returns the number of hole contours of the GPC polygon "1:matrix". -
Returns the number of vertices of the GPC polygon "1:matrix". -
GPC.Difference("1:matrix", "2:matrix")
Returns the difference between GPC polygons "1:matrix" and "2:matrix". -
GPC.GetContour("1:matrix", "2:number")
Returns a plottable contour "2:number" from a GPC polygon "1:matrix". -
Returns plottable contours from a GPC polygon "1:matrix". -
Returns plottable triangle strips from a GPC polygon "1:matrix". -
GPC.Intersection("1:matrix", "2:matrix")
Returns the intersection between GPC polygons "1:matrix" and "2:matrix". -
Creates a GPC polygon from a two-column "1:matrix" of vertices x and y; first vertex may be repeated. -
Import a GPC polygon from the file "1:string"; contours must not have hole flags. -
GPC.Read;NoFlags("1:string", "2:unit")
Import a GPC polygon from the file "1:string" assigning length unit "2:unit"; contours must not have hole flags. -
Import a GPC polygon from the file "1:string"; contours must have hole flags. -
GPC.Read("1:string", "2:unit")
Import a GPC polygon from the file "1:string" assigning the length unit "2:unit"; contours must have hole flags. -
GPC.Union("1:matrix", "2:matrix")
Returns the union between GPC polygons "1:matrix" and "2:matrix". -
GPC.Write;NoFlags("1:matrix", "2:string")
Export the GPC polygon "1:matrix" to the file "2:string"; contours will not have hole flags. -
GPC.Write("1:matrix", "2:string")
Export the GPC polygon "1:matrix" to the file "2:string"; contours will have hole flags. -
GPC.XOR("1:matrix", "2:matrix")
Returns the exclusive OR between GPC polygons "1:matrix" and "2:matrix". -
gpc_add_contour("1:matrix", "2:matrix", "3:number")
(P, V, H) Add contour V to GPC polygon P. V is a x,y matrix of vertices, first may be repeated; H=1: contour cuts hole, H=0 otherwise. -
gpc_clip("1:number", "2:matrix", "3:matrix")
(Op, P1, P2) GPC polygon operation on GPC polygons P1 and P2; Op: (0 - Differece, 1 - Intersection, 2 - XOr, 3 - Union). -
gpc_get_contour("1:matrix", "2:number", "3:number")
(P, N, F) Return N-th contour from GPC polygon P as x,y matrix. F=1: repeat first vertex (for plotting), F=0 otherwise. -
(V) Creates a GPC polygon from x,y matrix of vertices V, first may be repeated. -
(P) Converts the Polygon to a Tristrip. -
gpc_read_polygon("1:string", "2:number")
(F, H) Read polygon from file with name F and hole flag H (0 - contours without hole flag, 1 - otherwise). -
gpc_tristrip_clip("1:number", "2:matrix", "3:matrix")
(O, P1, P2) Performs the chosen operation to the two polygons and returns the result as a tristrip, O = (0 - Differece, 1 - Intersection, 2 - XOr, 3 - Union) -
gpc_write_polygon("1:matrix", "2:string", "3:number")
(P, F, H) Write polygon P to file with name F and hole flag H (0 - contours without hole flag, 1 - otherwise).