Created by Davide Carpi ( in the scope of SMath project. Published by w3b5urf3r.
This is Open Source project. Sources shared under MIT Licence and available in public SVN repository.

Download Writer Region 0.20.6894.27195

Version 0.20.6894.27195)
Beta (released at 11/16/2018)
Author: Davide Carpi (


File icon zip Size: 1 MiB
Downloads: 831 of 5252



  • added lists feature;
  • all meaningful keyboard shortcuts are now summarized in the "commands list" dialog (available from toolbar or using F1 key);
  • context menu options extended (paragraph's style, character's style, paste special...);
  • restored the double-click word selection;
  • restored direct input in math items (fixed localization issue spotted in previous releases);
  • direct math input now supports F8 renaming and CTRL+K special characters mode;
  • improved mouse events when the region gain the focus and a worksheet scroll is triggered;
  • improved plain text serialization;
  • fixed greed history steps on Wrap;
  • minor fixes;
  • refactoring.

Changes history