Created by Davide Carpi ( in the scope of SMath project. Published by w3b5urf3r.
This is Open Source project. Sources shared under MIT Licence and available in public SVN repository.

Download Writer Region 0.1.5552.32059

Version 0.1.5552.32059)
Beta (released at 3/15/2015)
Author: Davide Carpi (


File icon zip Size: 156 KiB
Downloads: 205 of 5254



  • added CTRL+G to swap between latin characters and greek symbols (on selection, on words, on further characters);
  • math dialog: added CTRL+G to swap between latin characters and greek symbols (on selection, on further characters);
  • math dialog now accepts RETURN and ESC keys;
  • hyperlink dialog now accepts RETURN and ESC key;
  • fixed crash on text's replacement;
  • fixed object focus issues when there are hyperlinks;
  • minor changes/improvements.

Changes history