Created by Viacheslav N. Mezentsev ( in the scope of SMath project. Published by уни.
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Features of Mathcad Toolbox

Version 0.5.9130.35983


Additional components that extend visualization capabilities of the SMath Studio program with additional graphical modules for plotting charts, images, and other visual elements.

  1. mathcadblock — Tag name used to store a Region data in the worksheet files.


Additional components that add new mathematical functions to the SMath Studio program, necessary for solving problems from various fields.

  1. Adams("expression")
    (cmd) uses the Adams-Bashforth order 5 fixed-step method.
  2. Adams("1:expression", "2:expression", "3:number")
    (ode,y(x),xmax) uses the Adams-Bashforth order 5 fixed-step method.
  3. Adams("1:expression", "2:expression", "3:number", "4:number")
    (ode,y(x),xmax,steps) uses the Adams-Bashforth order 5 fixed-step method.
  4. Adams("1:vector", "2:number", "3:number", "4:number", "5:expression")
    (ics,xmin,xmax,steps,D(x,y)) uses the Adams-Bashforth order 5 fixed-step method.
  5. CurrentDirectory("string")
    Gets or sets the fully qualified path of the current working directory.
  6. DocumentDirectory("string")
    Gets the fully qualified path of the current document.
  7. GetFolderPath("number")
    Gets the path to the system special folder identified by the specified enumeration.
  8. GETWAVINFO("string")
    Creates a vector with four elements containing information about file.
  9. interp("1:vector", "2:vector", "3:vector", "4:number")
    (vs,vx,vy,x) returns an interpolated value at x from the coefficients in vector vs, and the original data in vx and vy.
  10. lspline("1:vector", "2:vector")
    (vx,vy) returns a vector of second derivatives to build a cubic spline linear at the endpoints.
  11. lspline("1:vector", "2:vector", "3:number")
    (vx,vy,x) returns a vector of second derivatives to build a cubic spline linear at the endpoints.
  12. Play("string")
    play sound file.
  13. pspline("1:vector", "2:vector")
    (vx,vy) returns a vector of second derivatives to build a cubic spline parabolic at the endpoints.
  14. pspline("1:vector", "2:vector", "3:number")
    (vx,vy,x) returns a vector of second derivatives to build a cubic spline parabolic at the endpoints.
  15. READ_BLUE("string")
    (file) returns a matrix representing the RGB blue component of the image in file.
  16. READ_GREEN("string")
    (file) returns a matrix representing the RGB green component of the image in file.
  17. READ_IMAGE("string")
    (file) creates an array containing a grayscale representation of the image file.
  18. READ_RED("string")
    (file) returns a matrix representing the RGB red component of the image in file.
  19. READBIN("1:string", "2:string", "3:number", "4:number", "5:number", "6:number")
    (file,type,endian,cols,skip,maxrows) returns an array containing the binary data in file.
  20. READBMP("string")
    creates an array containing a grayscale representation of a bitmap format image file.
  21. READRGB("string")
    creates an array containing a red-green-blue packed matrix representation of the image file.
  22. READWAV("string")
    creates a matrix containing signal amplitudes in file.
  23. rfile("1:string", "2:string")
    (path,filename) reads an expression from the file.
  24. Rkadapt("expression")
    (cmd) uses the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method (RKF45).
  25. Rkadapt("1:expression", "2:expression", "3:number")
    (ode,y(x),xmax) uses the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method (RKF45).
  26. Rkadapt("1:expression", "2:expression", "3:number", "4:number")
    (ode,y(x),xmax,steps) uses the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method (RKF45).
  27. Rkadapt("1:vector", "2:number", "3:number", "4:number", "5:expression")
    (ics,xmin,xmax,steps,D(x,y)) uses the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method (RKF45).
  28. rkfixed("expression")
    (cmd) uses the Runge-Kutta fixed-step method (fourth-order by default).
  29. rkfixed("1:expression", "2:expression", "3:number")
    (ode,y(x),xmax) uses the Runge-Kutta fixed-step method (fourth-order by default).
  30. rkfixed("1:expression", "2:expression", "3:number", "4:number")
    (ode,y(x),xmax,steps) uses the Runge-Kutta fixed-step method (fourth-order by default).
  31. rkfixed("1:vector", "2:number", "3:number", "4:number", "5:expression")
    (ics,xmin,xmax,steps,D(x,y)) uses the Runge-Kutta fixed-step method (fourth-order by default).
  32. wfile("1:expression", "2:string", "3:string")
    ( value, path, filename ) Writes the expression to the file.
  33. WRITEBIN("1:string", "2:string", "3:number", "4:matrix")
    (file,type,endian,M) writes an array of scalars to the binary data file named file.
  34. WRITEWAV("1:string", "2:number", "3:number", "4:matrix")
    (file,s,b,M) creates a WAV signal file out of a matrix.