Created by Redem Legaspi Jr in the scope of SMath project. Published by smath.

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Features of Beam Analysis Utility Functions

Version 0.1.7340.18


Additional components that add new mathematical functions to the SMath Studio program, necessary for solving problems from various fields.

  1. AnalyzeBeamCaprani("1:number", "2:matrix", "3:matrix", "4:matrix", "5:matrix", "6:matrix", "7:matrix", "8:matrix")
    Peforms FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS based on Dr. Colin Caprani's work and returns the result in Matrix Format. Where '1:number'= Beam Span, '2:matrix' = Support Matrix, '3:matrix' = Concentrated Load Matrix, '4:matrix' = Moment Load Matrix, '5:matrix' = Trapezoidal Load Matrix, '6:matrix' = Uniform Load Matrix, '7:matrix' = Modulus of Elasticity Matrix, '8:matrix' = Moment of Inertia Matrix
  2. AnalyzeBeamYakpol("1:number", "2:matrix", "3:matrix", "4:matrix", "5:matrix", "6:matrix", "7:number", "8:number")
    Peforms FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS based on Yakov Polyakov's work and returns the result in Matrix Format. Where '1:number'= Beam Span, '2:matrix' = Support Matrix, '3:matrix' = Concentrated Load Matrix, '4:matrix' = Moment Load Matrix, '5:matrix' = Trapezoidal Load Matrix, '6:matrix' = Uniform Load Matrix, '7:number' = Modulus of Elasticity, '8:number' = Moment of Inertia
  3. GetBendingMoment("1:matrix", "2:number")
    Calculates and returns the Bending Moment at specified location on the beam span. Where '1:matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix, '2:number' = Distance taken from the left end of Beam
  4. GetDeflection("1:matrix", "2:number")
    Calculates and returns the Deflection at specified location on the beam span. Where '1:matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix, '2:number' = Distance taken from the left end of Beam
  5. GetInfo("matrix")
    Redem's Test Function
  6. GetShear("1:matrix", "2:number")
    Calculates and returns the Shear at specified location on the beam span. Where '1:matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix, '2:number' = Distance taken from the left end of Beam
  7. MaxBendingMoment("matrix")
    Calculates and returns beam's Maximum Bending Moment. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  8. MaxBendingMomentLocation("matrix")
    Calculates and returns the location of beam's Maximum Bending Moment. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  9. MaxDeflection("matrix")
    Calculates and returns beam's Maximum Deflection. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  10. MaxDeflectionLocation("matrix")
    Calculates and returns the location of beam's Maximum Deflection. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  11. MaxNegativeBendingMoment("matrix")
    Calculates and returns beam's Maximum Negative Bending Moment. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  12. MaxNegativeBendingMomentLocation("matrix")
    Calculates and returns the location of beam's Maximum Negative Bending Moment. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  13. MaxNegativeDeflection("matrix")
    Calculates and returns beam's Maximum Negative Deflection. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  14. MaxNegativeDeflectionLocation("matrix")
    Calculates and returns the location of beam's Maximum Negative Deflection. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  15. MaxNegativeShear("matrix")
    Calculates and returns beam's Maximum Negative Shear. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  16. MaxPositiveBendingMoment("matrix")
    Calculates and returns beam's Maximum Positive Bending Moment. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  17. MaxPositiveBendingMomentLocation("matrix")
    Calculates and returns the location of beam's Maximum Positive Bending Moment. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  18. MaxPositiveDeflection("matrix")
    Calculates and returns beam's Maximum Positive Deflection. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  19. MaxPositiveDeflectionLocation("matrix")
    Calculates and returns the location of beam's Maximum Positive Deflection. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  20. MaxPositiveShear("matrix")
    Calculates and returns beam's Maximum Positive Shear. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  21. MaxShear("matrix")
    Calculates and returns beam's Maximum Shear. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  22. ParseBeam("1:number", "2:number")
    Parses and returns beam's Matrix Data for Graphics Output. Where '1:number'= Length of Beam, '2:number' = Beam Apparent Depth or Thickness
  23. ParseMLoad("1:matrix", "2:string", "3:number")
    Parses and returns Moment Load Matrix Data for Graphics Output. Where '1:matrix'= Moment Load Data Matrix, '2:string' = Load Label Prefix, '3:number' = Moment Load Graphic Scale
  24. ParsePLoad("1:matrix", "2:string", "3:number")
    Parses and returns Concentrated Load Matrix Data for Graphics Output. Where '1:matrix'= Concentrated Load Data Matrix, '2:string' = Load Label Prefix, '3:number' = Concentrated Load Graphic Scale
  25. ParseQLoad("1:matrix", "2:string", "3:number")
    Parses and returns Uniform Load Matrix Data for Graphics Output. Where '1:matrix'= Uniform Load Data Matrix, '2:string' = Load Label Prefix, '3:number' = Uniform Load Graphic Scale
  26. ParseSupport("1:matrix", "2:number", "3:string", "4:number", "5:number")
    Parses and returns supports' Matrix Data for Graphics Output. Where '1:matrix'= Support Data Matrix, '2:number' = Beam Span, '3:string' = Support Label Prefix, '4:number' = Beam Apparent Depth or Thickness, '5:number' = Support Graphic Scale
  27. ParseTLoad("1:matrix", "2:string", "3:number")
    Parses and returns Trapezoidal Load Matrix Data for Graphics Output. Where '1:matrix'= Trapezoidal Load Data Matrix, '2:string' = Load Label Prefix, '3:number' = Uniform Load Graphic Scale
  28. PlotBeam(...)
    Used in conjunction with Smath Studio 2D plot, this command plots Beam and Beam's Supports & Loadings. It takes infinite number of 'PARSED DATA' returned by 'Parse...' commands.
  29. PlotDeflection("matrix")
    Plots Beam Deflection Diagram onto SMath Studio 2D Chart. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  30. PlotMomentDiagram("matrix")
    Plots Beam Moment Diagram onto SMath Studio 2D Chart. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  31. PlotShearDiagram("matrix")
    Plots Beam Shear Diagram onto SMath Studio 2D Chart. Where 'matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix
  32. SupportMoment("1:matrix", "2:number")
    Calculates and returns the Moment at specified support location. Where '1:matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix, '2:number' = Distance taken from the left end of Beam
  33. SupportReaction("1:matrix", "2:number")
    Calculates and returns the Reaction at specified support location. Where '1:matrix'= FEM Analysis Result Matrix, '2:number' = Distance taken from the left end of Beam