Created by Jose Carlo Mendoza ( in the scope of SMath project. Published by jcmendoza.

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Features of FEBeam

Version 1.0.8380.20839


Additional components that add new mathematical functions to the SMath Studio program, necessary for solving problems from various fields.

  1. A_AddBeam("1:string", "2:number", "3:number", "4:string")
    Add Beam Element. 1:string - name or ID; 2:number - length of the beam; 3:number - moment of inertia; 4:string - name or ID of material.
  2. A_AddBoundaryCondition("1:string", "2:number", "3:string", "4:string")
    Add boundary condition. 1:string - name or ID; 2:number - location; 3:string - name or ID of Vertical Spring; 4:string - name or ID or Rotation Spring.
  3. A_AddDistributedLoad("1:string", "2:string", "3:number", "4:number", "5:number", "6:number")
    Add Distributed Transverse Load. 1:string - name or ID; 2:string - load case name or ID; 3:number - start location; 4:number - End Location; 5:number - Start value; 6:number - End value.
  4. A_AddMaterial("1:string", "2:number")
    Add Material. 1:string - name or ID; 2:number - Elastic Constant.
  5. A_AddPointLoad("1:string", "2:string", "3:number", "4:number", "5:number")
    Add Transverse Point Load. 1:string - name or ID; 2:string - load case name or ID; 3:number - location; 4:number - Load Value; 5:number - Moment Value.
  6. A_AddRotationalSpringClassification("1:string", "2:number")
    Add a rotation spring classification. 1:string - name or ID; 2:number - stiffness of the rotational spring.
  7. A_AddSpecifiedDisplacement("1:string", "2:number")
    Add a specified deflection at specified location. 1:string - name or ID; 2:number - specified deflection.
  8. A_AddSpecifiedRotation("1:string", "2:number")
    Add a specified rotation or slope at specified location. 1:string - name or ID; 2:number - specified rotation or slope.
  9. A_AddSupport("1:string", "2:number", "3:string")
    Add Support. 1:string - name or ID; 2:number - location; 3:string - Type of support - PIN, ROLLER, OR FIXED.
  10. A_AddVerticalSpringClassification("1:string", "2:number")
    Add a vertical spring classification. 1:string - name or ID; 2:number - stiffness of the vertical spring.
  11. A_GetDisplacementDiagram("number")
    Gets the displacement diagram of the current solved load case/s.
  12. A_GetDOFsAt("number")
    Gets the slope and deflection at the specified location within the beam span.
  13. A_GetDOFsMaximaAtRange("1:number", "2:number")
    Gets the maximum/minimum slope and deflection within the specified range. 1:number - Start; 2:number - End.
  14. A_GetInternalForcesAt("number")
    Gets the shear and moment at the specified location within the beam span.
  15. A_GetInternalForcesMaximaAtRange("1:number", "2:number")
    Gets the maximum/minimum shear and moment within the specified range. 1:number - Start; 2:number - End.
  16. A_GetInternalMomentDiagram("number")
    Gets the moment diagram of the current solved load case/s.
  17. A_GetInternalShearDiagram("number")
    Gets the shear diagram of the current solved load case/s.
  18. A_GetLoadDiagram("number")
    Gets the loading diagram for all load case/s.
  19. A_GetLoadDiagramByLoadCase("string")
    Gets the loading diagram for the specified load case name or ID.
  20. A_GetReactionAt("string")
    Gets the shear and moment reactions at the specified support name or ID.
  21. A_GetSlopeDiagram("number")
    Gets the slope diagram of the current solved load case/s.
  22. A_ModelReset("number")
    Reset Finite Element Beam Model.
  23. A_SetDiagramUnits("string")
    Set units for diagrams.
  24. A_SolveLoadCase("string")
    Solve Model using the specified load case name or ID
  25. A_SolveModel("number")
    Solve Model
  26. SectionPropertyAISC("1:string", "2:string")
    Gets the property of section per AISC Manual 15th Edition. 1:string - Section; 2:string - Property.