The request is to
not require the user to edit maxima.xml
not require the user to edit maxima.bat.
Installation of SMath and Maxima on a portable storage device
Get and install X-Maxima on any portable storage device.
Version 5.28 including draw package is known to co-operate with SMath
in Version 5.31.2, the draw package does not load.
Install portable SMath on the same storage device
In the install dir of SMath, locate extensions\plugins\44011c1e-5d0d-4533-8e68-e32b5badce41\maxima.xml
Set the correct path to maxima relative to your SMath install dir.
Edit maxima.bat in order ton avoid temp space usage on the host system. Comment out the four lines immediately above the win9x label.
Test of the installation
Run SMath and open the attachment