Bug SS-4640
1 vote

[Image Region]: Enforce redraw after contents editing or context menu actions

Created by Martin Kraska on 9/14/2020 12:58 AM Last Updated by Martin Kraska on 9/14/2020 1:02 AM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


from forum discussion https://en.smath.com/forum/yaf_postsm63957_Beta--SMath-Studio-0-99-7542--25-August-2020.aspx#post63957

[quote=Andrey Ivashov;63965]

There is one issue with the plug-in: invalidation of the region is not requested after menu item usage (it must be done by plug-in) so borders will be visually switched only after region redrawn, f.e. after scrolling or focus in/out.

Best regards.[/quote]

This also seems to be the cause for delayed re-draw after editing operation (you have to get focus off the image to see the changes). Very valuable hint!


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