Feature SSC-3503
1 vote

German version

Created by Martin Kraska on 2/17/2018 3:45 PM Last Updated by Martin Kraska on 2/19/2018 10:05 AM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


I'd like to see German in the list of available languages. What can I do to support this?

    Martin Kraska (Monday, February 19, 2018 10:05 AM) #

  1. Show other ({0} items)
  2. version #<b>{0}</b>
  3. Time spent
  4. File size
  1. Zeige ({0} weitere)
  2. Version <b>{0}</b>
  3. Bearbeitungszeit
  4. Dateigröße

    smath (Sunday, February 18, 2018 11:14 PM) #


Additional translations integrated. Thank you very much.

I have found several more strings on Details page:

  1. Show other ({0} items)
  2. version #<b>{0}</b>
  3. Time spent
  4. File size

Please could you translate them as well?

    Martin Kraska (Sunday, February 18, 2018 9:19 PM) #

Thanks a lot, it is great. The details view in the front page list of existing sheets leads to a page with some non-translated strings.

Note the double time unit.

BTW, the details view would be useful in the timeline as well.


You are an owner of this worksheet.

There are 1 revisions of the selected worksheet found.

Estimated time spent by you working on this document is 49 sec. seconds.


German translation (if localization for this page is planned)

Sie sind der Besitzer dieses Rechenblatts.

Gefundene Versionen des Rechenblatts: 1

Ungefähre Bearbeitungszeit insgesamt:

    smath (Sunday, February 18, 2018 11:59 AM) #

Thank you!


Welcome to https://de.smath.info/cloud :)

    Martin Kraska (Sunday, February 18, 2018 2:51 AM) #

 I am not always sure if the translation is correct, sometimes hard to guess the context.
                    { "Changed", "Geändert:" },
                    { "Created", "Erzeugt:" },
                    { "WelcomeText", "Willkommen zu SMath Studio im Netz" },
                    { "Create", "Neues Rechenblatt" },
                    { "Recent", "Vorhandene Rechenblätter" },
                    { "Examples", "Beispiele" },
                    { "CreateText", "Beginnen Sie mit einem leeren Blatt oder laden Sie eine SMath-Datei hoch. Sie können sofort loslegen. Wenn Sie sich registrieren, können Sie von überall her auf das Blatt zugreifen und daran weitermachen." },
                    { "RecentText", "Öffnen Sie eines Ihrer Rechenblätter aus dem SMath-Netz. Dazu müssen Sie sich einloggen." },
                    { "ExamplesText", "Probieren Sie Demo-Rechenblätter von anderen SMath-Nutzern aus. So lernen Sie die Möglichkeiten des Programms kennen. Sie können geöffnete Demos beliebig ändern, testen und mit eigenen Daten nutzen und speichern" },
                    { "LogInOrRegister", "Bitte <a href=\"{0}\">melden Sie sich an</a> oder <a href=\"{1}\">registrieren Sie sich</a>." },
                    { "NoWorksheets", "Noch keine Rechenblätter vorhanden." },
                    { "BlankWorksheet", "Leeres Rechenblatt" },
                    { "UploadFile", "SMath-Dokument hochladen" },
                    { "SupportedExtensions", "Die folgenden Dateiformate sind unterstützt: {0}." },
                    { "Creator", "Andrey Ivashov" },
                    { "PrivacyPolicy", "Datenschutz und Anonymität" },
                    { "ByAuthor", "von {0}" },
                    { "Search", "Suchen" },
                    { "Open", "Öffnen" },
                    { "Details", "Details" },
                    { "RevisionsGraph", "Versionsgeschichte" },
                    { "Delete", "Löschen" },
                    { "DeleteConfirmation", "Wollen Sie dieses Rechenblatt wirklich löschen?" },
                    { "DeleteFailed", "Das Löschen des Rechenblatts ist gescheitert. Probieren Sie es bitte später noch mal." },
                    { "HistoryPanel", "Zeitleiste" },
                    { "Upload", "Hochladen" },
                    { "Share", "Link erzeugen" },
                    { "DownloadAs", "Lokal speichern" },
                    { "Guest", "Gast" },
                    { "GoToHomePage", "SMath Studio Homepage" },
                    { "LogIn", "Anmelden" },
                    { "LogOut", "Abmelden" },
                    { "Register", "Registrieren" },
                    { "UploadFile", "Datei hochladen" },
                    { "ClickToSelectFile", "Klicken Sie hier zur Dateiauswahl" },
                    { "SupportedFiles", "Unterstützte Dateiformate: {0}." },
                    { "MaxFileLength", "Maximale Dateigröße: {0}MB" },
                    { "FileName", "Dateiname" },
                    { "CreatedBy", "Autor" },
                    { "TranslatedBy", "Übersetzung" },
                    { "Translator", "Martin Kraska" },
                    { "AppVersion", "App-Version" },
                    { "SSVersion", "SMath Studio-Version" },
                    { "AboutSSC", "Info zu SMath Studio im Netz" },
                    { "SSCShortDescription", "SMath Studio im Netz ist eine Anwendung zur Erstellung aktiver Rechenblätter mit Formeln, Texten, Maßeinheiten, Bildern und Diagrammen. Keine Installation auf Ihrem Rechner erforderlich, alles läuft im Web-Browser." },
                    { "FileFormat", "Dateiformat" },
                    { "Download", "Herunterladen" },
                    { "DownloadFile", "Datei herunterladen" },
                    { "All", "Alle" },
                    { "LastUpdate", "Letztes Update" },
                    { "NotSaved", "Nicht gespeichert" },
                    { "Saved", "Gespeichert" },
                    { "LastSave", "Letzte Speicherung: {0}" },
                    { "SSC", "SMath Studio im Netz" },
                    { "SSCKeywords", "SMath Studio im Netz, SMath Live, Online-Mathematikprogramm, Online-Berechnungen, Einheitenumrechnung" },
                    { "Unknown", "Unbekannt" }, /* "Unknown" function category */
                    { "Loading", "wird geladen" },
                    { "NoScript", "Zum Fortsetzen aktivieren Sie bitte JavaScript." },

    smath (Saturday, February 17, 2018 7:05 PM) #

Hello, Martin.

You just need to translate the following two sets of strings (translate the strings at right only):

                    { "Changed", "Changed:" },
                    { "Created", "Created:" },
                    { "WelcomeText", "Welcome to SMath Studio in the Cloud" },
                    { "Create", "Create" },
                    { "Recent", "Recent" },
                    { "Examples", "Examples" },
                    { "CreateText", "Create new worksheet form scratch or upload already existing document to put it into SMath Cloud. You can start editing worksheet immediately after it is created and continue working from any other place using generated link (using your account)." },
                    { "RecentText", "Open worksheet you have previously created inside SMath Cloud. To use this feature you should be logged in." },
                    { "ExamplesText", "Try examples created by members of SMath community to see different features provided by application. Opened documents can be easily edited in order to test them or use with your own input data." },
                    { "LogInOrRegister", "Please <a href=\"{0}\">log in</a> or <a href=\"{1}\">register</a>." },
                    { "NoWorksheets", "You have no worksheets yet." },
                    { "BlankWorksheet", "Blank worksheet" },
                    { "UploadFile", "Upload file" },
                    { "SupportedExtensions", "The following file formats are supported: {0}." },
                    { "Creator", "Andrey Ivashov" },
                    { "PrivacyPolicy", "Privacy policy" },
                    { "ByAuthor", "by {0}" },
                    { "Search", "Search" },
                    { "Open", "Open" },
                    { "Details", "Details" },
                    { "RevisionsGraph", "Revisions graph" },
                    { "Delete", "Delete" },
                    { "DeleteConfirmation", "Do you really want to delete this worksheet?" },
                    { "DeleteFailed", "There is an unexpected error occured during deleting of the worksheet. Please try again later." },
                    { "HistoryPanel", "History panel" },
                    { "Upload", "Upload" },
                    { "Share", "Share" },
                    { "DownloadAs", "Download as" },
                    { "Guest", "Guest" },
                    { "GoToHomePage", "Go to Home Page" },
                    { "LogIn", "Log in" },
                    { "LogOut", "Log out" },
                    { "Register", "Register" },
                    { "UploadFile", "Upload file" },
                    { "ClickToSelectFile", "Click here to open Select File dialog" },
                    { "SupportedFiles", "The only supported formats are: {0}." },
                    { "MaxFileLength", "Maximum file length is {0}MB" },
                    { "FileName", "File name" },
                    { "CreatedBy", "Created by" },
                    { "TranslatedBy", "Interface translated by" },
                    { "Translator", "Andrey Ivashov" },
                    { "AppVersion", "Application version" },
                    { "SSVersion", "SMath Studio version" },
                    { "AboutSSC", "About SMath Studio in the Cloud" },
                    { "SSCShortDescription", "SMath Studio in the Cloud is a rich on-line math editor with units and graphs support. No need to install anything on your computer or device - all you need is your favorite web-browser." },
                    { "FileFormat", "File format" },
                    { "Download", "Download" },
                    { "DownloadFile", "Download file" },
                    { "All", "All" },
                    { "LastUpdate", "Last update" },
                    { "NotSaved", "Not saved" },
                    { "Saved", "Saved" },
                    { "LastSave", "Last save: {0}" },
                    { "SSC", "SMath Studio in the Cloud" },
                    { "SSCKeywords", "SMath Studio in the Cloud, SMath Live, Online mathemetical program, On-line calculations, units conversion" },
                    { "Unknown", "Unknown" }, /* "Unknown" function category */
                    { "Loading", "loading" },
                    { "NoScript", "Please enable JavaScript to proceed." },
As soon as it is done I will imediately activate German (or any other language) as an interface language of SMath Studio in the Cloud.
Sorry have no any more convenient way to translate.