Bug SSC-3487
1 vote

Inconsistent visibility (z-stacking) of regions during edit

Created by Martin Kraska on 12/30/2017 4:25 PM Last Updated by Martin Kraska on 12/30/2017 4:30 PM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


This is an example file where this happened frequently: https://en.smath.info/cloud/worksheet/N4gAxVxV

- The visibility of stacked regions sometimes is messed up. If you move text regions around (e.g. if you want to annotate an image with math regions) then they are sometimes behind the image (in the background) and sometimes in the foreground. This seem to be dependent on when the region originally has been created. Also, this can change if the file is reloaded or re-opened.

Here, we first create the regions a=a and b=b, then the plot region (with cursor being between these regions, region a=a is moved down afterwards) and afterwards the region c=c.

z-stacking sequence seems to be determined by the time of creation of the regions rather than by their current location or location during creation.

After browser refresh we have:

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