Bug SS-2397
1 vote

[Image Region] Problems in SVG display

Created by Martin Kraska on 9/11/2016 1:10 AM Last Updated by oxel007 on 10/5/2016 8:17 PM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


The attached image is gnuplot-generated and displays correctly in inkscape but not in the image region

    oxel007 (Wednesday, October 5, 2016 8:17 PM) #

 latest build of SVG.dll does not render your file correctly


The only way I can fix this bug is if I get some guidance on how to use SVGSharp (I beleive it renders MAXIMA produced svg correctly).


I was unable to use SVGSharp to properly render ANY svg file (in particular ones that have dimensions as a part of the page size, files created by INKSCAPE, or files created by DISLIN plugin)

