Feature SS-2291
3 votes

Big matrices: display

Created by Davide on 2/1/2016 7:39 PM Last Updated by smath on 3/29/2016 10:41 AM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


When we have big matrices (or systems), SMath hangs trying to display them on the canvas. Moreover they go out of the printing bounds.

The feature request is to fnd a way to optimize the performances; a way could be to add ellipsis when the matrix has more than a predefined number of rows/columns (global and/or local options).

    smath (Tuesday, March 29, 2016 10:41 AM) #

One more issue found regarding big matrices/vectors: maximum possible cells of the matrix/vector in SM/SMZ file was equal to 32765. So, even if you were able to work with 182x182 (or bigger) matrix on the worksheet it was impossible to open a file which cantains this matrix.

It is also fixed now (see attached million_cells_1.png).

    Davide (Tuesday, March 29, 2016 1:50 AM) #

Thank you Andrey!

    smath (Tuesday, March 29, 2016 1:05 AM) #

Implemented (see attached screenshot).

Thank you!