Bug SS-2281
1 vote

[CLOUD] Wrong links in examples

Created by Davide on 9/20/2015 9:14 PM Last Updated by smath on 9/21/2015 12:59 AM
Logged: 0   (hrs)


I noticed some examples with redirect in http://smath.info/login.aspx (if you are a guest) or http://smath.info/profile.aspx (if you are logged in)

BTW the profile page is a dead end page (you have to type a new url in the address bar)


    smath (Monday, September 21, 2015 12:59 AM) #

Thank you!

Server shown login.aspx page because these worksheets are password protected.
The issue is that dialogbox with password field shouId be displayed instead of requirement to authenticate. Will fix it.

Regarding profile.aspx: this page is created because of one reason only - to land user there if authenticated user requests login.aspx. In future I plan to make it much more usefull.